lunedì 7 novembre 2011

"Entwined" Tim Myers

Something in your eyes say you're falling in, 
You're a part of me, you're under my skin, 
Every piece of me has felt so incomplete 'til you came into my life, 

You and I are so entwined, 
I always knew that I was made for you, 
[ Lyrics from: ] 
Lover don't you know you're so beautiful? 
You're inside my heart, you're inside my soul, 
When I see you move and laugh the way you do I am melting into you, 

You and I are so entwined, 
I always knew that I was made for you, 

You and I are so entwined, 
I always knew that I was made for you.

Questa canzone, apparsa in un episodio di Grey's Anatomy della scorsa stagione (la 7a) ha subito attirato la mia attenzione, come quella di tanta altra gente, ma è stata messa su youtube solo ora.
Penso si spieghi da sola.
La dedico alla persona che più di tutte penso sia fatta per me.

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